How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Tooth Extraction?

Recovery time after a tooth extraction in McKenzie Towne will vary from one patient to another. For example, patients who have had their wisdom tooth removed will take longer to heal. Additionally, patients who are suffering from other medical conditions may continue to experience discomfort for a longer time. However, there are some essential steps that you can take to ensure that you are on your way to recovery. What is the Normal Healing Time After Tooth Extraction Near You ? After the extraction of the damaged tooth, the socket in your gums will go through three healing stages. The first phase is known as the inflammatory stage. It is not uncommon for the gums of the patient to become inflamed. The blood will clot on the socket, and tissue will form on the affected site. A week after, new membranes will replace the clot. The proliferative phase will follow wherein the wound will start to close and heal. The last part of the healing process is known as the ma...