How Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities
When it comes to cavities, what’s the first word that comes to mind? Fillings? If it’s not “fillings,” is it “Brush your teeth!”? There’s another word that should be top of mind or at the tip of your tongue when it comes to preventing cavities — sealants. Dental sealants can protect your most vulnerable molars — those rear teeth with their deep grooves and fissures — from developing cavities by placing them behind a shield that protects them from bacteria and acids. Who is a good candidate for dental sealants? The ideal candidates for dental sealants in McKenzie Towne are children and teenagers who are particularly prone to tooth decay and the development of cavities. Ideally, kids should receive dental sealants as soon as their permanent teeth come in to protect their fissured teeth from ever developing cavities. Kids are not the only good candidate for dental sealants. Adults are, too! Adults are also good candidates for receiving dental sealants on teeth that do not already con...