How to Reduce Oral and Systemic Inflammation
In the past couple of years, experts have identified that periodontal and oral inflammation/ infection increases your risk of developing systemic diseases. Your dentist will often remind you that proper oral hygiene can save your life. Some studies confirmed the relationship that exists between oral infection, stroke and heart attack. Others have further associated one’s oral condition with ectopic pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Below you can find information to reduce oral and systemic inflammation to protect both your oral health and overall health. Guide on Reducing Oral Inflammation Inflammation is our body’s response to fight the infection. Some signs of inflammation can be hard to ignore. Pain, heat, swelling, and redness around the affected area indicate that there is something wrong. Nonetheless, it should still be examined by the expert since other illnesses will manifest the same symptoms, such as cancer. The dentist may conduct an oral cancer sc...