How to Reduce Oral and Systemic Inflammation

oral cancer screening in McKenzie Towne

In the past couple of years, experts have identified that periodontal and oral inflammation/ infection increases your risk of developing systemic diseases. Your dentist will often remind you that proper oral hygiene can save your life. Some studies confirmed the relationship that exists between oral infection, stroke and heart attack. Others have further associated one’s oral condition with ectopic pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Below you can find information to reduce oral and systemic inflammation to protect both your oral health and overall health.

Guide on Reducing Oral Inflammation

Inflammation is our body’s response to fight the infection. Some signs of inflammation can be hard to ignore. Pain, heat, swelling, and redness around the affected area indicate that there is something wrong. Nonetheless, it should still be examined by the expert since other illnesses will manifest the same symptoms, such as cancer. The dentist may conduct an oral cancer screening in McKenzie Towne to rule out oral cancer. If they confirm the presence of inflammation, you need to find ways to reduce it. To prevent oral and systemic inflammation, here are some things that you should try.

Eating Nutritious Foods

If you want to reduce your inflammation, you should eat foods that are a good source of Omega-3 such as walnuts, sardines, herrings, tuna, and salmon. Our body cannot produce Omega-3. Therefore, our supply of this nutrient must come from the foods we eat. Green tea that contains a high dose of antioxidants can fight infection, and it also reduces the likelihood that gum disease will develop. Omega-3 offers additional benefits to our brain and metabolism. Various researches also attested to the power of this nutrient in preventing asthma, cardiovascular disease, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Talk to your dentist near you first if you are planning to take supplements.


After your oral cancer screening near you, the dentist may discuss the importance of exercise in reducing oral and systemic inflammation. Based on the study, individuals who have a regular exercise regimen and have an ideal body weight have a lower chance of developing periodontal diseases. Mild exercise can prevent body inflammation. Nonetheless, we advise you to abstain from extreme exercises since they can boost systemic inflammation. Talk to a health professional to determine what is and is not suitable for your lifestyle first.

Flossing and Brushing Your Teeth

Brush your teeth at least twice each day and floss once every day. It will help you eliminate the bacteria and plaque that cause inflammation in your gums. If you want to avoid oral inflammation, taking care of your oral health is a must. You should also visit your dentist in McKenzie Towne twice per year for a regular checkup and professional dental cleaning. This should also include a thorough periodontal evaluation.

To determine the presence of inflammation, you can look in the mirror and examine your gums. Ideally, they should be coloured, pink and not red. They should not appear flappy. Bleeding and sore gums, especially when you are brushing your teeth, is also a sign of inflammation.

Oral inflammation should be addressed immediately by the dentist near you to prevent systemic inflammation. You can probably remove the plaque and bacteria on top of your gums, but it will be difficult to remove the plaque buildup found in the hard-to-reach areas of our teeth. It will create a perfect breeding ground for the bacteria that will eventually lead to infection and inflammation. To remove this, you will need the professional help of a dentist.


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